Litigator Suppression Open Source Dataset

What is the Open Data Community Litigator Suppression List?

An OPEN DATA list of people to avoid at all costs

  • It is an Open Data list of confirmed and validated phone numbers of litigators.
  • The reason we classify this as a “Community List” is the ability for others to contribute to the dynamic list (all values are validated and confirmed before new records are added).

Does it cost anything to download this list?

  • No. This data set is free of charge and does not require any monetary exchange to view, download or utilize.
  • There are people in the world that sell lists similar to this and all we have to say is shame on you. We know you know who you are. 

What is contained in this list?​

  • Phone numbers of confirmed litigators. Only phone numbers.

Is it legal for Enablement Data to distribute and provide this list on the internet as Open Data?

  • Yes, and confirmed from our legal counsel.
  • The fact that we are NOT selling and monetizing this data along with not including any data points other than phone values makes the distribution and availability of this list legal.

How was this data set curated and classified?

  • This data was pinged and verified in stages across our massive amounts of raw data.
  • We verify in batches when new orders are purchased and new data is compiled.
  • Through our API’s we ping phone records for being known to start a litigation for breaking DNC violations.

How many records are contained within this data set?

  • The number of records within this data set changes constantly. On the Instructions tab, there is an area labeled “List Status” which provides the current count of values along with last date new values were added. 
  • ​To receive notifications when new values are added, let us know how you would like to be notified when new values are added.
  • Don’t worry, we will not run any marketing campaigns to you on the information you provide being that it is not an Opt-in form submission. 

When are new records added?

  • New records are added on a weekly basis but is not on a dedicated schedule. As we run our marketing sprints, we add as we ping. There are also values added when a person contributes data to the list and we verify the record as a litigator.
  • While viewing the Data Set tab, column C designates the specific date the records were added.

Can I contribute records to this list?

  • Of course you can! ​Use this link to access the form to submit a litigator list and/or a single value.
  • Note: all values added will be processed through our API and verified that the number is considered a litigator and tied to a past or current litigation case for DNC violation.
  • We will not share or provide your information if and when values you submit are verified.

How do I access and view the list?

  • You can view and download the list (at no cost) through a Google Sheet we published to internet where anyone and everyone can view and download.
  • Click the Receive Suppression List button below and enter your email where you would like the link to the sheet sent. It takes about 2-3 minutes for you to receive the email after submission.
  • No, you will not be added to a marketing list by entering your email.

Why are we doing this?

  • Because we want everyone to be protected as we are against “these” people
  • Because we believe that the growth in number of Litigators in the fragile Alternative Lending industry over the past 24 months is abnormal
  • Because everyone in the Alternative Lending industry is paranoid about their data and we find that ridiculous 
  • Most importantly, because we can.

Now that you have the data, how do you use it?


Before you start using this suppression list for your upcoming marketing sprints, you need to know the tricks of the trade to clean your data.

Make sure your phone values in a list do not contain values with special characters

Understand how to SUPPRESS VALUES from a list prior to sending out marketing material.



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